Judge Course 2008, RUSSIA
New IFSA judges :
- TKACHEV Vladimir
- GORBATOV Anatoly
New Russian judges :
- SUKHORUKOV Aleksander |
Judge Course 2008, RUSSIA
It will take place next 21-22-23
July in Moscow. M. Galichet & L. Bourdin will
be instructors.
Forum link : http://ifsasport.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8&p=126#p126
Board Meeting 2008,
The organization of this Board
Meeting will take place in Paris - 18th October
There will take place the selection of the competitions
of :
* World Cup 2009 : many competitions forming
a ring
* World Championship 2010 : 1 competition
Judge Course 2008, FRANCE
It took place in Montpellier 29thFebruary-1st&2nd
March, was organized by the MUC roller.
Students from Spain, Italy, France, Finland, Brazil joined. Former judges
came to update their knowledge.
New IFSA judges :
- Kristell ARZUR, France
- Robin TESSIER, France *
- Sergio GALLINI, Italy
- Mathias GILLE, France *
- Juan-Carlos FIDALGO, Spain
- Seppo SILVENIUS, Finland
New IFSA judges for all except one criteria for
freestyle slalom :
- Javier CELAYA, Spain
- Eva COCHEY-CAHUZAC, France *
- Caroline LEJEUNE, France
- Nicolas BESNARD, France
- Yann WONG, France
PS * : judges under 18 will not take part to IFSA judges team until they
are 18.
for World Cup & World Championsip :
Following the recommandations of
the FIRS, the organisation of the World Championship
will be set 2 seasons ahead. About the World
Cups, it will remain 1 season ahead.
This mean, the 2008 IFSA board
meeting will vote for :
+ The World Championhsip 2010
+ The World Cups 2009
Applications are to be received in September 2008
for the board meeting taking place in October 2008
Forums are opened again :
The new forum is open. Please Register
again. Informations about the 2008 evens are
already available. Check : http://forum.ifsasports.org/
2008 :
World Championship 2008 : qualified skaters
Following the decisions of the board meeting,
the top 3 skaters of the former championship are
The number of skaters qualified during each qualification
is not changing :
Freestyle Slalom : 8 men & 5 women
Speed Slalom : 8 men & 5 women
Free Jump : 5 men & 3 women
2007 :
IFSA Board Meeting 2007
The Board Meeting took place the 27th October
2007 in Paris. Minutes
available on line
2007 :
IFSA Board Meeting
The 2007 IFSA Board Meeting will
take place in Paris next 27th October, 2:30pm
Read the topic on IFSA Forums : here
Schedule : here
2007 :
Send FIRS your best skating pictures to media@rollersports.org & copy
media@ifsasports.org about freestyle skating :
thank you. Here is the message from the
After the Streaming Live of the 2007 FIRS worlds,
the enhancement of the Media Gallery of the various
disciplines, the results and pics of the main events
of the season 2007, here's a brand new section
where each one of YOU, can give your personal contribution,
sending to the address media@rollersports.org all
the strange, interesting, funny, incredible photos
concerning ROLLER SPORTS in your country.
Files shall only be accepted in jpg format, max. size 600 x 400 px (or
vice-versa), and shall not exceed 100 KB.
Name of the sender and a short description of the picture shall be visible
on the webside as the pics get published.
We expect to receive tons of old, recent and new amazing pictures from
all the world... and the name of the new photo section will be - (SUSPENCE
) -... No anticipation, it will be as crazy as your photos!!! Visit the
website in a week time and you'll find it!!!
FIRS Web management
2007 :
World Cup of Free Jump Men :
Due to a mistake on the name of
the athelte "Laurent CATROUX". His
latest results was not taken into account. Since
it has been corrected, this athelte is actually
3rd of the World Cup.
Laurent CATROUX is 3rd of the World
Cup Free Jump Men
The athelte will receive a personnal
letter to express our apologizes, and the congratulations
he deserves. IFSA presents its apologizes to
all skaters of this World Cup of Free Jump. To
all athletes, please beware of the writting of
your name during the inscriptions.
2008 :
Apply for organisation of World competitions, before
If you want to apply for the organisation
of an IFSA competition, part of the World Championship
or Cup, you need :
* to know all the requirements : available here
* to present your project : what ? who ? when ? where ? how ?
* to send this presentation by email to board[at]ifsasports.org before
the 30th September.
2007 :
IFSA Championship
The number of skaters qualified for
the finales of the World Championship 2007 are
being updated :
Freestyle Slalom : top 8 men & top
5 women
Speed Slalom : top 8 men & top
5 women
2007 :
IFSA judge course in Holland : results
Thisjudge course was held by an
Italian IFSA Instructor. All students did pass.
So the IFSA is glad to welcome the 7 new graduated
judges :
- CANEEL Marlies (Holland)
- SAOU Matthias (France)
- PLATE Carmen (Holland)
- WIEGERSMA Martin (Holland)
- SCHRAEPEN Tim (Belgium)
- CORNELISSE Ragnhild (Holland)
- VAN DER MOLEN Ron (Holland)
2007 :
IFSA judge course in Holland
The dutch skaters are preparing
the next judge course very soon : 27-29 April. More
information here :
2006 :
IFSA & FIRS partnership
The IFSA & the FIRS are official
partners, their signed their official recognition.
Please load the press
2006 :
IFSA judge introduces Rules & Judging system
for Italian skaters 
The meeting took place in "Polisportiva
Gessate" center, near Milan, the 2nd December.
All the italians and their representatives were
Italian competitors & coaches did follow the
lessons & explanations of IFSA judge Francesco
2006 :
IFSA Judge Course organised by the Taiwan Federation
of Roller Sports
The Federation has organised an IFSA judge course last 20th-21st-22nd October
in Taipei.
13 Students took part to the International
Judge Course and learned the rules of speed slalom,
freestyle slalom, free jump & high jump.
(CHANG Chi-shi ; HUANG Pin-yue ; TSAI Agnes ;
TSOU Dong-syum ; LIN Shih-hsun ; RUAN Wei-ta
; HUNG Wei-chien ; KAO Lin-ta ; YANG Kuan-mug
; SHIAUN Huang-wei ; CHENG Yang-jui ; HSU Shih-yi
; CHIANG Scott yao-hui )
6 new judges graduated :
- HUNG Wei-chien
- KAO Lin-ta
- HSU Shih-yi
- TSAI Agnes
- RUAN Wei-ta
- CHENG Yang-jui
2006 :
IFSA Board Meeting 2006
The Board Meeting took place the 14th October
2006 in Paris. Here are the minutes & reports .
2006 :
IFSA Rules
IFSA received a last proposal
about the rules, the 12th October, just before
the board meeting. We still tried to take these
into account for the rules updates 2006.
Read UK proposal : here
2006 :
IFSA Board Meeting
The 2006 IFSA Board Meeting will
take place in Paris next 14th October, 2:30pm
Presentation document & schedule
: load
it here
Read the topic on IFSA Forums : here
2006 :
IFSA Rules
Dear Skaters, the IFSA will present
the next season rules updates during the board
meeting 14th October 2006. Meanwhile next competition
is coming soon, and skaters will need to prepare
runs. Here are some updates of the rules which
are impacting the way to prepare the next competition
* Management Mark : new family
: spinning tricks : on 1 or 2 wheels (for inlineskates),
turning minimum twice (720°)
* Management Mark : Eagle and
Reverse Eagle will be together : including no combined
* 120cm slalom will have only
14 cones (instead of 20cones as it used to be).
This slalom meant to be performed fast, suffered
from the lack of space on competition areas, as
well as training areas.
* the whole updates will be presented the 14th
october 2006
Best training to all skaters,
2006 :
IFSA Forums
Developping communication : IFSA website is presenting
informations on line, IFSA is also communicating
directly to competitors on local forums.
New tool, IFSA has its own forum, register online : http://forum.ifsasports.org/
2006 :
IFSA Rules
Dear Skaters,
As presented in the former news, the IFSA has created a work group about
the updates of freestyle skating sports rules, since October 2005.
The method has been set as follows
1/ Identify the current issues for freestyle slalom & speed slalom
+ check the reports coming from skaters, judges, IFSA
representants ...
2/ Summ up these informations & check their coherence, to define the
axes of updates.
3/ Set proposal of updates for each issues
4/ Summ up these proposal
5/ Check coherence of the updates, so each criteria changes is making a
true change, and not making double change, not
creating new unbalances among the criterias.
6/ Present these updates at the IFSA Board meeting 2006 : the 14th October
2006 in Paris + display on www.ifsasports.org
Skaters have expressed some demand
of changes, but few proposals have been clearly
set. Meanwhile 1 early proposal came from Italy
on time and took full part to the work group, then a
first proposal from China has been received
the 21st november 2005, a
second proposal came officially from China (CRSA) the
29th March 2006 & another
proposal came from France (CNRA) the 27th July
2006. In order to inform all skaters, please find
these incomes from our partners linked. (not all
translated in english).
The IFSA Rules updates have required
huge work from the group in charge. We kindly thank
all participants. For freestyle slalom, this updates
need to be coherent, each changes has an effect
on the ranking of competitors, each criteria has
no sens if not understood in the whole judging
system. Be sure the expert work group has no other
duty than providing fair conditions for sport development.
Sport Regards,
2006 :
The next sport season might start soon. Therefore
for all organisations of competition willing to
register for the IFSA cup season 2006-2007, please
apply by mail at board@ifsasports.org before
the 30th September 2006.
Then the Championship & Cup will be presented
during the board meeting, the 14th October 2006.
2006 :
First Japan Domestic competition
4th may in Oakayama
2006 :
National Competition of Freestyle sports in Pakistan
PFSA is pleased to inform you that
they organise the 3rd national freestyle slalom
and speed slalom Championship in Lahore Pakistan
last 22nd-24th June, at Gulshan-e-iqbal
park Lahore, Pakistan. All over the Pakistan
freestyle skaters will participate in this championship.
2006 :
IFSA Website
The IFSA Website adress is changing
in order to match IFSA projects & purpose.
Welcome on www.ifsasports.org
It seems less confusing to have "sports",
rather than "sport". Hope it will
lead more people to IFSA's informations. ".org" is
more convenient for the non profitable job
we are doing & the aim we are working
for : freestyle sports developpment worldwide.
2006 :
CRSA - China
The Chinese Rollerskating Association (CRSA),
in charge of development of Roller Sports in China,
is accreditating a promotion event in Beidaihe
(near Bejin). This show will promote Freestyle
The IFSA competition in China, under the organisation
of CRSA, is planned in Shanghai.
The chinese government approval is required to
let you know the very dates.
Information will be on line as soon as available.
2006 :
IFSA qualified skaters - Moscow
Because of a communication mistake on the webpage
of speed slalom rules, the IFSA has qualified
8 competitors Men,
2006 :
IFSA Country representant in Slovenia
The brand new representant from Rolermanija has
written some introduction words : please load his
2006 : IFSA
Freestyle Slalom Rules development
Set some 4 years ago,
among the first countries taking part to this international
championship, these rules are currently being checked,
in order to set if evolutions are required.
This purpose was a subject of the board meeting 2005,
15thOctober in France. Some contributions have been
received by mail from China & Italy. This work
is under
progress. |
2006 : IFSA
competition in China is confirmed
Mr Qin from the CRSA (Chinese Rollerskating Association)
has confirmed the venue of the IFSA competition
in China under their very organisation.
Dates are still to be confirmed, work is under
2005 :
IFSA Championship 2006
The number of qualified skaters 2006 will be :
- 3 women for freestyle slalom & 3 women for speed slalom
- 5 men for freestyle slalom & 5 men for speed slalom
This should qualify about 45% of the skaters taking
part to IFSA Competition 2006.
2005 :
IFSA Country representant in Slovenia
Rolermanija Association will be the link representing
IFSA in Slovenia. Luka MULEJ will be the dedicated
contact. His details.
2005 :
IFSA Country representant
Lenka BUCHCAROVA will be the link representing
IFSA in Slovakia. She will be the dedicated
contact. Her details.
2005 :
IFSA Judge course : Delayed
This project of Organisation has been delayed. |
2005 :
IFSA Judge course : mi December
Next IFSA judge course is to be planned in partnership with FFRS in France.
The FFRS organisation is on the way, more information soon
2005 :
IFSA Board Meeting 2005
The Board Meeting took place the 15th October 2005
in Paris. Here are the minutes
& reports .
2005 :
IFSA official relationship with the FIHP
2005 :
IFSA Board Meeting 2005
This first official board meeting will take place the 15th October 2005
in Paris, FRANCE. It will be open to all public. The very address is 4
rue Amélie, 75007 Paris. Reports will be available on our website
after the meeting. The schedule :
Saturday 15th
October |
2pm : President, Secretary, Tresorer Report |
3pm : IFSA managers reports : 2005 competitions |
4pm15 : Communication, Slalom, Jump |
5pm : 2006 competitions |
5pm15 : Questions/Answers |
2005 :
Independant Freestyle Competition organised by skaters
in Singapore the 17th September 2005. More informations
on the website : http://www.sgskaters.com/slalomania/
2005 :
IFSA official relationship with the Russian Federation
2005 :
IFSA official relationship with the Chinese
Roller Skating Association
2005 :
IFSA official relationship with the French
Federation Roller Skating
2005 :
IFSA official relationship with the Unione Italiana
Sport Per Tutti |
skaters for the finales of IFSA Championship
2005 :
Due to the competition of Singapore being cancelled,
the number of qualified skaters in Shanghai competition
will be double.
2005 :
Due to the competition of Livorno being cancelled,
the number of qualified skaters in St Medard competition
will be double.

Shanghai - St Medard
2005 :
The competition in Italy has been cancelled a few days
before the event. The organisators did cancel the event. |
Livorno - ITALY
2005 :
First National Competition of Freestyle sports in
PFSA is pleased to inform you that
they have organised the 1st national freestyle
slalom and speed slalom Championship in Lahore
last 23 March 2005.
2005 :
IFSA Judge Course organised by the CRSA
The "China Rollerskating Association" has
organised an IFSA judge course last 31st
March, 1st, 2nd an 3rd April in China.
11 new judges graduated :
- XU Xinhua
- LI Zhuanghui
- WU Chenghong
- LI Bingui
- MA Jun
- ZHANG Kaiyang
- HONG Xiaowei
- LI Lu
- WU Jinyue |
2005 :
IFSA sanction decision
Regarding the Moscou competition events, the judges team has reported an
unfair and antisportive behavior of one competitor : Mrs Mourachova Elena
Regarding the judges team decision, IFSA annonces the disqualification of
this skater for all IFSA competitions 2005.
2005 :
Freestyle Competition in Korea - Jeju Island
Title : The 4th Jeju Int'l InlineSkating Games
Date : 10:00 March 12th(Sat.), 2005
Place : Tap-dong Plaza, Jeju City
Organizing committee : Korea InlineSkating Association of Sports for All
Operations committee : The Jeju Inlineskating Organization of Sports for
Contact : The Jeju-do Inline Hockey Association of Sports for All (TEL: 82-64-759-7050)
Place for application : www.jejuinline.org
2005 :
First National Competition in Pakistan
PFSA is pleased to inform you that they are going
to hold 1st national freestyle slalom and speed
in Lahore Pakistan on 13 March 2005. All the players’ different
parts of the country are participating in this
coming national slalom and speed slalom event.
2004 :
Judge Course in FRANCE : Results
Congratulations to these 4 new IFSA Judges. We are glad to announce successful
course for :
- Pierre Henri DUBOIS (France)
- Walid NOUH (France)
- Jerome PHILIPPON (France)
- Maxime GALICHET (France)
By the way 5 others trainees might join this judge team. One last exam will
be required for them. |
2004 :
Judge Course in SINGAPORE : Results
Congratulations to these 8 new IFSA Judges. We are glad to announce successful
course for :
- Xu YUTAO (China)
- Kelvin KOO (China)
- JING YAN Yao (China)
- YAP Jason (Singapore)
- LEONG BOON Longwen (Singapore)
- NG Graham (Singapore)
- SEET Edwin (Singapore)
- TEO CHEON YAN Ivan (Singapore) |
2004 :
First National Competition in Singapore : "Inline
Skate Carnival 2004"
organised by South East CDC Singapore - Slalomania
here |
2004 :
Judge Course in FRANCE : Results
Congratulations to these 9 new IFSA Judges. Further results should follow with
french nationality judges. So far, we are glad to announce successful
course for :
- Francesco MASELLI (Italy)
- Carlos FLORES ARRANZ (Spain)
- Steve DAVIDSON (United Kingdom)
- Eduardo SANZ GOMEZ (Spain)
- Lenka BUCHCAROVA (Slovakia)
- Rafael ARGAIZ HOYOS (Spain)
- Philip DOWNER (United Kingdom)
- Pablo GOMEZ SANCHEZ (Spain)
- Xavier FU (China) |