Slalom ____________________________video
The performance
Time trials : The competitor will perform 2 runs : 12meter
start, 20 cones spaced by 80cm, and 80 cm before the
finish line = 28meters of run. Each cone down or not
slalomed will make 0.2 second penalty. Time is going
from the start until the finish line. Time trials will
produce a time trials ranking useful to build up the
KO system.
The duels : KO system does
oppose competitors (example for 32 people) in the following
order = 1-32, 16-17, 9-24,
25-8, 5-28, 21-12, 13-20, 29-4, 3-30, 19-14, 11-22, 27-6,
7-26, 23-10, 15-18, 31-2.
The qualifications can select
32 people, or 16, or 8, or another number according to
the number of skaters taking part and the schedule. If there's less than
32 competitors, the ranking remain the same, opposing some
with nobody, then the competitors win the dual and goes
directly to the next step (example)).
The winner of a duel
opposing 2 competitors is the first competitor winning
2 runs, so
a duel can be 2 runs or 3 runs. In order to identify the
3rd, a consolidation final is played between the losers
of the ½ finals.
The area
Number of lines, cones, space : it is here
The Judgement
Time is going from the start until the finish line, each
cone down or not slalomed will make 0.2 second penalty.
Time trials : the competitor has 2 runs, the time is kept.
KO system : the winner of 2 runs wins the duel.
The Ranking
The ranking of the time trials is produced with the best
time of each competitor.
The ranking of the KO system is made of the top4 (Finale
+ consolidation Finale), the with the losers of the ¼ finals
ranked thanks to the time trials ranking, then the same
for the losers of 1/8 finales, then the same for the losers
of 1/16 finales.
The Qualifications to
the IFSA Championship
2 rankings have to be presented : Men & Women.
case the competition has more or fewer categories,
2 rankings for IFSA are calculated by summing or
splitting the former categories of the competition.
The ranking used for qualification is not taking into account
the competitors already qualified in former qualification
* In case the competition has 2 categories (Men&Women), the
finales results of the KO system are taken into account.
The ranking used for qualification is not taking into account
the competitors already qualified in former qualification
Among this 2 rankings 8 men and 5 women are qualified for
the IFSA finales IFSA. During the finals, time trials
will be run and all the competitors will enter the KO system.
The IFSA Cup
2 rankings have to be presented : Men & Women.
case the competition has more or fewer categories,
2 rankings for IFSA are calculated by summing or
splitting the former categories of the competition.
The ranking takes everyone
into account.
* In case the competition has 2 categories (Men&Women), the finales results
of the KO system are taken into account. The ranking takes everyone
into account.
The winner gets 20 points, the second 19 points, the third 18 points, the fourth
17 points, the fifth 16 point, ... the 20th gets 1 point and the following competitors
the IFSA Cup. At the end of the season, the 3 best results
of each competitor will be summed up for the IFSA Cup
On the of chance 2 competitors tie for the same ranking,
they will be seperated using the best time
performed during these 3 competitions (time trials only).